Reporte Mundial.
Reporte Permanente.
Usa este servicio si no te han pagado un servicio, perdiste o robaron tu celular, etc.
El imei estará en Blacklist de 1-72 horas.
Se ingresará el IMEI a reporte de lista negra (Reporte por Robo). Una vez ingresado no hay forma de cancelar o quitarlo.
✅World Blacklist.
✅Permanent Blacklist.
✅Use this service if you have not been paid for a service, your cell phone was lost or stolen, etc.
✅The imei will be on Blacklist from 1-72 hours.
❗The IMEI will be entered into the blacklist report. Once entered there is no way to cancel or remove it.
Delivery time: 1-72 Hours
Bulk orders allowed: Yes
Order type: IMEI
Service type: Server
Submit to verify allowed: No
Cancellation allowed: No
Order processing: API